honestly, it's not like i'm tired of everything. i am just tired of me. but everything has to go through me to get to me. me being sick, so everything is sick. so i'm tired of everything becuz i'm tired of me. or something like that.
i am tired of being sick.
اخه ادم هرچيزى رو كه ميخونه يا ميبينه رو كه باور نميكنه دلبناداى من!
من هنوز عاشقم. اينو امروز كه داشتم ابروهامو برميداشتم فهميدم.
calm down calm down calm down . booom .
ok, so let's say i proposed and we got married or whatever. how am i going to tell her that every now and then i wake up and i'm a different person who just needs to be alone without any human contact including her and this doesn't mean i don't love her but it's just a disease. how am i going to tell her that i'm just sick?
go up. go up. watch it happening. climb. breathe. walk. run. breathe. go up. go up. fly. breeze, cold breeze. you gonna reach out to the gallows. one day. just one of these days.
alex is a starfucker. he greased the greasy greased up pole


my insanity is around the corner.
knock knock.
who is this?
me, i just quit my job and i'm to go back to iran and live as a shepherd.
